

CalendarPro is an easy-to-use calendar designed for Microsoft Windows that allows you to quickly
Latest version 2.35
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calendarPro 2.35 review

Editor rating
4 / 5
File size
1797 KB
Review date
25 September 2003
CalendarPro promises that you will never miss another important appointment. You will always be reminded of your important dates and appointments etc., on time. It will not take up any extra space on your desktop. It will remain in the right hand corner of your computer and only show up to remind you of something important. All you have to do is to add a note with a particular date to be reminded about. Whatever date it is that you have to be reminded of; a birthday, holiday, a special day or just an appointment. Remember it without going through any complex software programs. CalendarPro can give you dates ranging from the year 1900 to the year 2100. Simply choose the month and year, and you will be presented with an exact desktop calendar for that month. Plan everything ahead of time and surprise your family with your new-found memory power. Use CalendarPro and you will never have to be reminded again.